Life, Living, Perspectives

Monday, December 13, 2010

ohh tidakk...

post kali ini bertemakan bader ni nyer blog, aneh itu indah...
perkara yg aneh yg berlaku padaku....
ada sumthing 2 do dgn gambar diatas...
so my fren, apa mu lihat?
mmg pelik.


bukan tu nak diciterkan,
masa gerhana,
matahari dan bulan berjumpa
nama latin matahari, Sol
bulan pula, Luna

yg peliknyer...


saya pada waktu tu ada ngah melepak
tetiber ada berdekatan dgn ku
beberapa bebudak pompuan
diorang main bagi nama2 kat 'anak' diorang

ter pop-up nama2 ni,
Luna Qamariah
Stella Syamsiah

nama2 tu bermaksud Bulan dan Matahari...
pelik ku rasa.....


Monday, November 29, 2010



i aujourd'hui seulement se rendre compte que mon bon maître vient de me retirer de la liste de son amie. ce sont mes pensées sur ce qui venait de se produire il ya 2 jours?

mon cher professeur, il a été amusant, mais semble-t-i soit vous ennuie trop, ou vous avez eu assez avec mon sarcasme et de la grossièreté.

de toute façon,
quelle que soit la raison est que je vous souhaite le meilleur avec votre vie et ce que vous choisissez, parce que je ne suis pas votre mère à la première place.

à mon cher maître, bonne chance et au revoir...

sincèrement, votre étudiant, FarHaz :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010


ini merupakan post pertamaku dalam bahasa ibunda,


post kali ini akanku bicara berkenaan tajuk di atas. baikkan yang biasa, biasakan yang baik?
ahahaha... apa ku membebel ni? sebelum kita lebih mendalami lagi perbicaraan ini, saya ingin berkongsi lagu yang best. Mungkin tak islamik tapi... Syiok juga kalau dengar banyak kali. Menikam kalbu dikatanya... hehehe...

Sudah dengar? Best kan? Okay, back to the point,
Baikkan Yang Biasa, Biasakan yang Baik?
Tajuk ini berkenaan dengan kita semua. Dinihari, kita semua termasuk saya sendiri yang digelar Remaja mesti, gerenti sure punya ada sifat ingin tahu, ingin cuba, ingin merasai dan sewaktu dengannya apa yag Dunia mampu offer kat kita.

X cayer ke? ahaha... cuba kita imbas semula apa yang kita buat setiap hari. Ada sekali kemungkinan, member kita menghisap rokok, couple, minum arak, layan lagu sedap2, lepak, wat keje2 giler dan anything elselah kan? Lagipun katanyer kita ni lagi kreatif memenuhi masa yang amatlah kosong right now.

Mungkin juga anda boleh berkata apa salahnyer? Hidup hanya sekali... Lai ah! Memang anda benar tentang itu, tetapikan... Masa tak boleh putar semula. Mungkin couple tu best. Mungkin hati rasa best. Hidup yang kekosongan dipenuhi dengan hiburan tetapi lepas tu? kalau direject tu terasa sedih cam jiwa dihisap keluar dari jasad...


Bukannyer apa, bukannyer nak tegur, tapi masa hadapan kita, kita sendiri tak tahu, so apasal kita nak enjoykan diri kita ngan something yang memakan masa dan jiwa kita? Mungkin tersinggung hati mu baca. Sorry. Tapikan... Tanggungjawab yang memang sure wajib ada kita buat tak? Yang wajib tulah... Lagi baik.

Tapi ada memberku yang kemukakan, semua benda wajib saya dah buat, Sunat pon jangan cakap ah. Dah tibai tu skali beb. Tapi ada kita bagi 110%? memang ah kita tak tahu baper percent kan, but usaha kena betul.

Ada orang cakap, bader2 Zuhud hidup dier, semua benda dier cek. Sampai ke tahap benda remeh yang dikatakan oleh masyarakat pon dier cek, betul tak dier buat... Apa pula kita? Seharusnyer hidup kita, kita kena jadi cam diorang. Sebabkan bila kita mati, kita tanak la mati dengan meninggalkan kontroversi....

the way i see it, dunia ni mungkin da lapok ah. banyak benda jahat dikatakan baik atau perkara biasa, perkara baik pula? dipinggirkan,diremeh,dihina,diludah oleh masyarakat yang dikatanya bertamadun.

Akhir kalam, ku mengharap dunia yang fana ini, dapat memberikan bekalan yang baik padaku. jadinya... renungkanlah ayat ini yang menjadi title ku.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On The Way To Reality...

On the verge of existence, we tend to forget who we are or why we are here. This my fellow friends is because of luxury. Luxury that went uncared for. What luxury u might say? The luxury that we all perceive as day to day activities. Time itself is a luxury. A luxury that most people took for granted and waste every single second with random procrastination.
The biggest mistake one would make is ruining or destroying or wasting the biggest luxury of all. The luxury of Life. Life itself is a repertoire of luxuries that were created for our own comfort, but why do we see people abandoning such generosity?
People tend to perceive that such luxury isn't needed for because what is important is the hereafter. What ever happens here is of the utmost unimportant thing for it. Others on the other hand, over-exceeded the luxury of Life with lavishing himself or herself with everything they're hearts desire.
A wise man knows that Luxury is a meaningful thing and also it is a horrible monster. One must know how to tend to these luxuries. As an old friend of mine once said, " Take what you need and leave the rest untouched..."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pantun Sahabatku...

This is going to be the one last Poem that Imma rite in BM
2 tahun yang lalu,
hidupku sering dipenuhi jemu,
kebosanan tanpa diriMu disisiku,

Bila ku berjauhan denganmu...
Rintihan Kalbu tidak diekspresi keluar dariKu,
Badanku semakin layu,
Kehidupan Tidak Sempurna,
Kehidupan sebenar ala Fatamorgana.

Setelah lama ku merantau dunia,
Akhirnya ku mendapat berita dari si Dia,
Sebuah berita gembira buat untukku,
Ku masih kesempatan, Ku masih ada Masa.

Setelah kian lama,
Ku baru sedar,
Bukan Kau yang pinggirkanku,
Tetapi daku yang melarikan diriku,

Akhirnya setelah kian lama,
Ku membuka kain sejadah,
Beribadah dan Berdoa,
Serta dengan Taubat Nasuha,

Tidakku akan pergi lagi,
Tidakku akan melarikan diri,
Kau yang Maha Esa, Maha Kuasa,
Ampunkanlah segala Dosa

2 tahun yang lalu,
Sahabatku berpesta Zouk,HardRock wa Zirca,
Setahun yang lalu,
Sahabatku berpesta Ibadah berlantaikan Sejadah beratapkan Qubah,
Sesungguhnya Ajal menjemput secara tiba2,
Maka wahai Sahabat, manfaatkanlah Masa.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Malam O malam,
Hendak ku jumpa,
Malam segala malam,
Mengauut barakah dan meningkatkan Iman dan Taqwa,
Meninggalkan satu malam segala urusan Dunia,
Memenuhi ruang Masa dengan Pesta Ibadah,
Agar mendapat Maghfirah,
Ku panjatkan Doa,
Agar mendapatkannya,
Sebelum akhirnya hayatku di Dunia.

Barakallah Humma Lana Fi Syahri Ramadan...

Happy Eid 2 All...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

31st of August

What does it really means to be Merdeka actually???
Is it the sounds of children shrilly screaming out Merdeka? Is it the Teenagers whom yells out Merdeka at the end of an examination or a formattive test? Or is it us; people who are 'freed' to online for hours and hours till we become Panda-faced?
Ppl have thought that Merdeka is synonym to Freedom. Well, they're half true actually. Merdeka is roughly translated to Freedom by our society due to lack of patriotism that was never instilled in them properly. I cant say that I myself is NOT one of them because that would be an utter bulls droppings if u know what I mean...
Merdeka is Independence. Independence is to be independent, to be free from unlimitless boundaries that prevents us to achieve of what we could really achieve. We see that nowadays, people tend to be fueled with the 'Merdeka" spirit but yet they themselves are not Independent from things that are blocking them from achieving what they could be. Heck, they did'nt even know or care for what our forefathers had struggled for.
If a person could really be "Merdeka" in their spirituality and mentality then surely there would be dozens of epitomes for people to admire and transpire a movement; shall I say the perfect Mental Revolution. Surely we are a nation that are proud to have independence for more than half a century (+3), surely we can do more in many years to come.
Be that it may that we are of different backgrounds, race, religious views and politics views; we can still be a nation that could be united and work as one just as our forefathers had done before. For if they can do it, surely we can do it tenfolds...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Memory Lane

On a hot and sunny day,

I gaze on the horizon by my window pane.

A day so clear bright and gay,

As I stroll back on memory lane...

Years had pass,

Some of us are here to last,

Some of us will be forever remembered in the past,

The people I had met are of good, bad and worse,

They had helped me to change pull back and reverse,

Helping and guiding me confronting the universe,

For no man is bad evil or worse,

They just have not gotten a chance to help some of us.

Conflicts and Pain,

Decorates our Life in bold colour,

Without them Life would be plain,

Without them U and I would never get even better,

Even though they say you had fail,

U just actually found yourselves a thousand and one ways not to fail,

In Conflicts in Life, Love and Knowledge we shall prevail.


Different colours,

And Different faces,

Different personalities,

Be it good, bad or just plain annoying

Rivals and enemies,

Different plots,

Different schemes,

Different envy and Jealousy,

Without them we are no one,

Without them,

I won’t be this entity,

A man who loves to befriend, annoy and be a bit crazy :P

As I look back at my Life,

I’ve seen that it has not been that crooked nor that straight,

I really, really appreciate

For what He has given,

And for what He has written,

A dozen friends and experience,

Good or bad or bent (senget)

Thanks for the hardships and pain,

Thanks for giving dozens of friends,

For a Family supportive and wise,

And For those blessings in disguise,

As I see it, Life actually isn’t that bad,

Thanks a lot, I appreciate that.

As Dawn turns to Dusk,

I shut my window pane,

I feel a bit lighter reminiscing those days,

As I make way out of Memory Lane...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chapter 2

As he drove onwards to his family’s mansion he wondered; why his Father would have written him a letter before his death? He was indeed puzzled for he had disobeyed the old man and left him for the world when his family and his Father needed him the most.

Ominous weather of dark clouds and howling winds are upon him as if to tell of an unfortunate event were to take place on the very same mansion that he had left 10 years ago. Soon, heavy torrential rain began pouring, making it as if it were staging a horrific tale that was about to take place.

The mansion of Narcissus was once a gleaming castle, an emblem signifying their regal status that was once their symbolic pride. The mansion that was once their regalia, the household of such fortunate sons and daughters had now became the sign of shame of what their Firstborn had given to them 10 years ago.

Draco was not ashamed for what he had done. He simply thought that he did not want to become like his siblings. He just wanted to do what he had wanted to do since the age of 10; which was to travel the world and to make his own business that has nothing to do with blowing, killing or trafficking people out. The Narcissus was a family that deals with anything illegal they could sink their teeth into, but they’re real profession is being either a hit man or a transporter or both. Their superior marksmanship was feared by the officials, business partners and family members alike.

After what he had been learning all those years of marksmanship, trafficking and dealing businesses in the Black Market Trade, Draco felt that this wasn’t really what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. A sudden change of heart was felt when he was 17 when he met Silvia, an innocent beau that was taken from her family. Even though her family had paid the ransom his brother Ares failed to comply with the terms that he had laid out and shot the young woman anyways. This has shown him that if you stay long enough with rotten apples you become one too.

He then confessed of his feelings of not continuing with their family’s legacy of Black Market Trade and went on his way even though Ares and Poseidon prevented him from going and even her young sister, Venus was about to crippled him with a knife, his father stopped them and warned him to never speak of what his family been doing and to never set foot on the Narcissus property ever again.

“Guess I’m gonna break the promise anyways” he murmured to himself. As he drove in, he saw his mother Azalea standing at the large podium alone, her eyes transfixed on the steely grey sky that was pouring on the great Gaia where the Narcissus called home, The Basilisk Mansion.

Hello Mother. Have you been waiting long?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Story 1`

A Father was on his deathbed as his family surrounded him on his final hour. The dying man signaled for his beloved wife and asked her "where is our first born? I wish to speak of him of the future of this family". The grieving woman had mixed emotions of anger, shame and grief when trying to answer her husband's question.
At last she replied "Our firstborn has yet to come my love." "He is a busy man my first born, let it be" replied her husband. He than requested a piece of paper and a pen. So, the man wrote and wrote for several hours due to difficulties holding the pen while controlling the Pain of Death. Such pain comes to those who are invited by the Reaper on his or her deathly hour.
At last he folded the paper and wrote To You My Beloved Son and put down his pen and with that he took his last breath and fell asleep. A deep sleep that was never going to end till Eternity. As he died, his family mourned for his death all but one man. His firstborn by the name of Draco Narcissus.
Draco was not busy during the death of his father. Nor he was doing anything. He was on his lover's bed softly caressing her and staring at the ceiling. In his eyes shows no emotions, as if he was just a large meat puppet, yet his hands shows the warmth of a human's love.
As he was getting out of bed, his mobile phone beeped. A text message from Mother. "Again?" he thought. As he open the message, a puzzling face emerge from his emotionless face as he read the text message.
ur fathers dead, plz come over and take this letter from Him.

As he recalled, he wasn't that close to his Father. So why give me a letter???

Saturday, July 31, 2010


went for choral speaking and readers theater just now. choral speaking is a group speaking and readers theater is basically reading the script rather than acting it out.
well, we did great cuz we won 2nd place for choral speaking and readers theater. it was a fun experience cuz it was basically awesome!!!! for our choral speaking we did Life At School. after we did it we received quite an applause regarding any of the other skools participating.
Oh yeah forgot to mention there are 5 skools participating just now. SDARY, EC, SMKA JB, MAAHAD PONTIAN, SMI HIDAYAH.
We'll meet them again later this october for debate n drama. wonder what I'll be in. after the comp we had photo sessions and then I got a chance to talk wif this blogger apparently she's one busy bee.
whatever, anyways I'm still new to this shit n its kinda fun actually..... maybe I'll write more. so sleepy ZZZZZZ...
after the comp. when strolling around the area. So many lovey-dovey couples.... well its their life. they know what they're doing. I hope. And then Uncle Midi fetched me, Ammar, Muhammad and Zahin.
Muhammad and Zahin went their ways to their home and Ammar was sent to skool. Then went back home for a while and clean up. By 9, had followed Uncle to stroll around. Soon after, I went to his home and voila! thought wanna blog bout today's happening.
Tomorrow I have to put my game face on for English since the tutor is willing to bet that I wont come. We'll see bout that. Although I haven't finish my assignment yet. GOOD LUCK :D

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Second Semester....

First Semester ended with a bang! I manage to get a mediocre grade of 4 A minus. Out of 11 subjects. Damn.
Studying in an elite private school has its unconventional pressure of doing better than anyone. I beg to differ.
I would rather think that it is rather the person who shapes his/her future. School, friends, family they only can help to mold us but, the one who's gonna press the 'start' button and start shaping is us ourselves no none else...
Moving on. Second Semester of school, its challenging since the output you get from 6 months of learning is shit (not me). If you intend to buck up and try catching up with the other guys and if you are indeed in hot soup, than I wish you good luck. You'll need it.
We are pitted against each other in a competition of wits and unnecessary heavy load of burden since we all want to enter College and all that in order to have what you called a secure future. I beg to differ. Some billionaires don't even have the proper education yet there they are in their mansion or yacht. Not many are born with the silver spoon.
This commotion or rather this phenomenon is what as described by the writer Adibah Amin as the rat race in one of her books. Don't get me wrong but I agree on her fully. No, we're not rats. Its a metaphor on the phenomenon of what is happening to us teens whom refer as students. A race against each other proving on who's smarter, intelligent, stronger or who's the alpha dog or apex predator than the rest of us.
Another proverb we can use survival of the fittest. Yes, now if you don't want to wriggle from your financial problems and trying to get that scholarship, they're checking not only your Academics, they're even checking your Curriculum activities. Sorry smart stoners and lethargic smart ass, no room for you.
Anyways, if we really want a better future maybe we should be excelling on what the task at hand and REALLY think what are we going to do in future.
Leaving you with 2 food for thought.
1) God won't change mankind until mankind wants to change himself.
2) If you are better than today you are awesome, If you are worse than yesterday you are an ass, If you are still the same as today you're far more worse than the guy who's worse than yesterday.