Life, Living, Perspectives

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Second Semester....

First Semester ended with a bang! I manage to get a mediocre grade of 4 A minus. Out of 11 subjects. Damn.
Studying in an elite private school has its unconventional pressure of doing better than anyone. I beg to differ.
I would rather think that it is rather the person who shapes his/her future. School, friends, family they only can help to mold us but, the one who's gonna press the 'start' button and start shaping is us ourselves no none else...
Moving on. Second Semester of school, its challenging since the output you get from 6 months of learning is shit (not me). If you intend to buck up and try catching up with the other guys and if you are indeed in hot soup, than I wish you good luck. You'll need it.
We are pitted against each other in a competition of wits and unnecessary heavy load of burden since we all want to enter College and all that in order to have what you called a secure future. I beg to differ. Some billionaires don't even have the proper education yet there they are in their mansion or yacht. Not many are born with the silver spoon.
This commotion or rather this phenomenon is what as described by the writer Adibah Amin as the rat race in one of her books. Don't get me wrong but I agree on her fully. No, we're not rats. Its a metaphor on the phenomenon of what is happening to us teens whom refer as students. A race against each other proving on who's smarter, intelligent, stronger or who's the alpha dog or apex predator than the rest of us.
Another proverb we can use survival of the fittest. Yes, now if you don't want to wriggle from your financial problems and trying to get that scholarship, they're checking not only your Academics, they're even checking your Curriculum activities. Sorry smart stoners and lethargic smart ass, no room for you.
Anyways, if we really want a better future maybe we should be excelling on what the task at hand and REALLY think what are we going to do in future.
Leaving you with 2 food for thought.
1) God won't change mankind until mankind wants to change himself.
2) If you are better than today you are awesome, If you are worse than yesterday you are an ass, If you are still the same as today you're far more worse than the guy who's worse than yesterday.

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